AnnYager (Nonnie) and staff,
We wanted to thank you and your staff handling Zane’s funeral, the help, patience, and comfort you gave our family. You are masters of your craft. The craft of caring for loved ones gone- but more than that, the craft of love and compassion. We felt loved and cared for every time we walked through the doors. We knew Zane was loved and cared for while you had him. (That helped this momma’s heart.)
You led us through our darkest days. I didn’t know how I would get out of bed the day after, let alone face planning a funeral. But you held our hands, cried with us, and helped us create a beautiful life celebration for Zane. I have trouble finding the words to express the appreciation we have for you and your staff, but I hope this gives you a small look at our gratitude.
Zane’s family
Lisa, Barry, Brittnee, Matt, and Gran